Thursday, September 29, 2011

Norwegian stamps

Got some stamps in the office mail from Norway that I snitched! The poor bird seems to have taken a pot shot taken at it.

Unless the shot was actually taken at that bald chap and hit the bird instead.

Hope you all are well.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

France - History of Bicycles

Its been a year since I came here and I received my first philatelic mail. This was sent by Eric, who has a great blog that your really must visit.

I had sent him some stamps on frog some time back and he was kind enough to send a spectacular sheet across. I'll put that up in the next post.

In the meanwhile lets focus on the beautiful stamps that Eric put on the cover itself. These bicycles are part of a series of french stamps called "2011 - The bicycle from its origins to today".  The link is in french so you may have to translate it. The stamps themselves are beautiful and love them.

Another point of interest is that the back of the envelope had this stamp that is probably the creation of Eric himself as he is nuts about all thins froggy!
Thanks for the cover Eric. Great Fun receiving it. Will send you across the cover you included inside soon.