In addition to my earlier post on the Paquebot, I was kindly directed to the Australian postal regulations by a kind reader. On the page 14, the Regulations clearly define the Paquebot mail & the process to deal with the same. I wish all the other countries had similarly clear regulations.
Also of great help have been Richard from sevenoceans, who wrote back to me in detail about how the Paquebot could be used today. & Also George from Gulfman who is keenly interested in this and has offered to help me with sending the Paquebot once I get on board the ship. I think it'll be great fun to finally get down to sending a Paquebot. Thanks all. :)
Wink at the moon
Yesterday It was a beautiful moon out here in Singapore & I as I showed it
to my 3 year old daughter, I told her about how Niel Armstrong had gone all
1 comment:
Velu funtastic collection
Please go through my blog on 1857 rare collection of fisrt war of indepedance
n comment me
R. Prashant
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