Sunday, December 23, 2007

Curacao - Another pig stamp and postcall

Location - Gulf of Panama, Pacific - 08 40 N, 079 29 W

Thanks to Gulfman and Yukiko, its been established that the next year is the year of the rat. Somehow I think even less countries will be lining up to release stamps of the rat, then they did for the pig.

As per Yukikos comment, I think I was born in the year of the Snake. I don't think that can be very good.

Anyway, Since the pig stamp did come up, let me also show you a couple of stamps that the Neth. Antelles released along with the miniature. This is the Berkshire Pig in all its glory. I have read many stories of Wooster and jeeves which simply revolve around the bowel functions of these very intelligent creatures.

I just passed through the Canal after a very long day, so lets do the post call tomorrow.

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